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Celtic Cupboard
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Kilt Pin - Culloden Broadsword
Product ID APS-65
Kilt Pin - Culloden Broadsword
The Culloden Sword is a faithful reproduction of a sword which dates from the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Discarded on the battlefield, the original survives to this day. The Kilt Pin became fashionable in the 1800s and has continued to this day, universally worn on all kilts or kilted skirts. Highlanders invariably elaborated the metal parts of their wearing apparel either by the use of precious metal or by introducing Cairngorm stones, polished pebbles or jewels; thus his wealth was kept on his person and not entrusted to banks, which in retropect seems like not a bad idea! 1" x 4"
Price: CDN$ 45.99

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